Pure Tone Audiometric Test

Pure tone audiometry is one of the simplest, non-invasive tests of hearing ability and audiometrist can administer. During the test, a range of beeps or whistles (called pure tones) are played to you through specialist headphones. You simply indicate when you can hear them. The loudness of each tone is reduced until you can just hear the tone. Once the softest sound you can hear is determined, this results as your hearing threshold. The results are plotted on a graph called an audiogram, and presented to you.

Speech Discrimination Test

Hearing loss is not always the actual volume of sound, or the quantity of sound that is lost. Sometimes, it can be quality of sound can be distorted. This has a direct effect of your ability to hear and register language appropriately. The amount of distortion on experiences can be measured using the speech discrimination test.

In association with a number of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialists and clinics, AHAS Hearing Aid Services can assist you and your family remediate any loss of hearing. Click here to request a consultation at one of our clinics now