what to consider when choosing hearing devices?

Finding hearing aids that are best suited to you is dependent on a number of factors, such as degree of hearing loss, ear condition/ear canal size, lifestyle, eyesight, dexterity, budget, and ease of use.

This is why we have a selected a wide range of the latest and greatest hearing devices, suited to every hearing and lifestyle requirement. AHAS provides you with a choice of hearing aids, ranging from simple to advanced technologies. We have access to Industry leading manufacturers such as Sonic Innovation, Siemens, Phonak, Unitron, Widex, Oticon, GN Resound, among others.

What's involved in fitting the hearing device?

Hearing device fitting process will consist of two appointments. The first appointment involves programing the hearing aid, and also to walk you through the hearing device functions. The second appointment is for a follow up to make sure your experience is the very best possible. Further appointments may be necessary in some cases. We will continue to support you until you are comfortable with your new hearing device.

The costs of appointments for hearing device fittings and follow ups are included in the purchase of the hearing aids.

Click here to request a consultation at one of our clinics now